The New York City Poetry Festival takes great pride in its arts programs, which have been presented in collaboration with dozens of organizations of all stripes and featured hundreds of visual, installation, and performance artists over the years. By reaching outside the established poetry communities, The Poetry Society of New York hopes to create new audiences for poetry and facilitate collaborations between poets and creators of other mediums.

The Poetry Brothel

The Poetry Brothel is an immersive literary cabaret. Inspired by the turn- of-the-century brothels in New Orleans, Paris, and Buenos Aires, many of which functioned as safe spaces where fringe and avant-garde artists could experiment and perform their work, The Poetry Brothel presents a rotating cast of poets, each operating within a carefully crafted character, who impart their work in public readings, spontaneous eruptions of poetry, and most distinctly, as purveyors of private, one-on-one poetry readings.

Performances will take place at 1pm and 4:30pm each day. Enjoy poetry, live jazz, vaudeville, mysticism, and more!

For more information, please visit


Homespun Merry-Go-Round

This quote from Vice pretty much sums it up:

"...a nice man named Al Gori... about 20 years ago, made a merry-go-round from scratch as an art school project. He used car parts, old motors, stuffed animals, gadgets, gizmos, and various knick-knackery, and over years of tinkering, created the most charming and unique little jungle-themed solar-powered merry-go-round that ever was. It is, in fact, a merry-go-round with soul." 
